Pleasant Valley Emergency Shelter

The Pleasant Valley Emergency Shelter accommodates the needs of 25 men and male-identifying individuals who are homeless every night of the year.  The shelter opens daily at 4:30 p.m. and provides residents with safe, secure sleeping quarters, a hot shower, and a warm evening meal.  In addition, the NCM staff – Program Director, Assistant Director, Case Manager, and Shelter Monitors – assist the residents as they work toward stability and independence by providing various services and support, including:

  • Respect and Dignity
  • Donated clothes and toiletries
  • Referrals to counseling for substance abuse and mental health support
  • Weekly medical clinic
  • Counseling from the Veterans Administration
  • Spiritual nurturing, counseling and support from volunteer clergy and laypersons

A Personal Story

Mike came to Pleasant Valley Emergency Shelter from Michigan after unsuccessfully looking for work for two years.  He stayed at the shelter while his wife and kids stayed with friends back in Michigan.  After just a few weeks, he landed a job!  After a couple of months, he had enough money saved to get an apartment.  Just a couple of months later, he was able to bring his family to Pittsburgh so they could all live together again.  Life-long Steelers fans, they now call Pittsburgh home.

How You Can Help Pleasant Valley Emergency Shelter

Consider holding a toiletries or underwear drive at your local church, school, community group, or place of employment.  Those who utilize our facility are always in need of shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and deodorant.  Additionally, men’s underwear (sizes 32-44), t-shirts (medium to 3XL), and tube socks are always in demand.

To coordinate a toiletries or underwear drive, contact us at 412-323-1163 or